So what happened?
The final days
I had hoped to give a day by day play of how we were handling the Gestational Diabetes and the results. Basically we obsessed over the baby's weight knowing that if he reached 9 pounds the odds of being required to do a c section greatly increased. Splenda was our saving grace! The search for sugar-free, low carb drinks ended in frustration with the main choices ending as Atkins Shakes and tea sweeted with Splenda.
Money became tight and eating correctly became more difficult. A daily diet of salmon and steaks falls outside of our tax bracket.
Evan was riding so low that I joked "we could play patty cake" and we were told that "if the water breaks call 911 because Evan is coming before the ambulance." When he did come the labor lasted 7 hours or so. It was an adventurous labor with promises that "he will come any moment" while our midwife was unreachable on a roller coaster and family popped in and out. In the end Evan was born on May 27, 2005 at 9:38pm with support staff of 3 siblings (curtained off), a grandmother, father, midwife and one or two nurses cheering Mom on. Evan weighted in at 7 pounds 3.8 ounces and was very health.
He is now 3 months old and wearing 6 month size clothing. I think that his size in the womb had little to do with the gestational diabetes. I think he's just a big guy! Perhaps had we not been so diligent with the diet he would have been larger at birth and we would have experienced complications. I think Mom was heroic and we were lucky.
In summary, we managed to control the gestational diabetes through a diet of primarily meat and green leafy vegetables. We monitored sugar levels twice a day and for the most part remained in range. Occasionally things were out of balance and we tried to bring in under control with some walking and adjusted diet. It was intriguing to find some "healthy" things shot the numbers way out while some "unhealthy" things had no impact. Our baby was born heathly at seven pounds three point eight ounces. Mom is incredible!